Lock Repair Service

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    Lock Repair Service

    Lock Repair Service

    Our Services

    When you notice something bothersome with your locks, please do not be complacent and neglect it.

    If your locks show signs of wear and tear, maybe it is time to contact a professional locksmith for assistance.

    Upon noticing it, please notify us immediately to make it easier for us to repair the damage.

    This will save you a lot of money because repairing it is cheaper than replacing it.

    In most cases, the malfunctions may look like a big deal, but it turns out minor instances only caused them.

    Before these minor things evolve into something more serious, call us for a lock repair service.

    Here are some lock and key troubles to note:

    1. Broken Key in the Lock

    While a broken key in a lock is not as familiar to some, locksmiths have done much troubleshooting for this problem.

    Regardless of why a part of the key was left inside the lock, it is time to call a mobile locksmith.

    You, the property owners, cannot do it alone, so you must trust the professionals to do the job.

    We will drive to your doorstep as soon as possible after contacting us.

    Right after, we will attempt to remove the broken part from the lock.

    Then, we will assess the insides of the lock to look for other complications and examine if the broken key causes damaged internal components.

    As to the extraction, there are many ways to remove the broken key.

    If a part of it is hanging outside, we will only need to lubricate the lock then pull it.

    However, there are cases where no part was left outside the lock.

    In this case, we will use an extractor tool.

    2. Stuck Deadbolt

    Another scenario is a stuck deadbolt.

    If you notice that the door’s deadbolt is weirdly functioning, it might be a sign of asking for a repair.

    The primary reason why a deadbolt malfunction is its misaligned internal parts.

    The deadbolt is probably not working the way it usually does due to its inability to locate and fit into the stroke of the strike plate.

    Once our locksmiths confirm that this is the issue, we will commence the lock repair service.

    We will examine the cause and apply the most accurate way to fix it.

    Per se, the strike plate is misaligned with the deadbolt; then, we will remove it and realign right after.

    We will ensure that the deadbolt is confidently attached within the strike plate’s throat.

    3. Lock Cylinders are Turning

    The most common issue that our locksmiths have handled is the problem with lock cylinders.

    Upon trying to unlock your door, the lock cylinder turns.

    This is a sign that your lock needs to be repaired.

    Setscrews secure the cylinder inside the lock.

    When these parts, designed to keep the cylinder in place, break or loosen, you can attempt to locate and tighten the setscrew.

    If this method does not work, give the job to the professionals to avoid further complications.

    4. Slowly-moving Door Lock

    Plenty of factors can trigger your door lock to move slowly.

    They might be slowly working because they are exposed to a frigid climate, resulting in a frozen state.

    Other than that, debris or dirt might be affecting the internal components of the lock, leading to wear and tear.

    What owners can do with these slowly moving door locks is to clean and oil them properly.

    However, if these ways do not improve the quality, it is a sign that your lock is suffering enough to function properly.

    Unfortunately, in most cases, it must be replaced.

    With Pick4 Locksmith, your lock’s condition is ensured.

    Before the problem gets worse, turn your worries into relief with our assistance.

    If you are experiencing one of the door lock issues above, do not hesitate to contact us for help.

    Pick4 Locksmith is a 24-hour locksmith service in Markham.

    We are a team of professional locksmiths who are always prepared to aid your door locks problem.

    We are guaranteed to provide exceptional service to our dear customers.

    We promise you a fast and efficient lock repair service.

    Plus, our rates are affordable.

    We also offer other lock repair services like door closer installation, lockout services, and lock change.

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